This five foot four inch statue of a mermaid caused some controversy despite her innocent and serene demeanour.
Everyone seems to know what these mythical creatures look like and were very keen to tell me.
Everyone seems to know what these mythical creatures look like and were very keen to tell me.
In England and America they are depicted with fish tails,elsewhere, they have legs with fins like the Copenhagen mermaid.
I made the lower half of the body fuller so that it looked more womanly. A Dutchman sharply observed that 'even mermaids in England are overweight.'
Mermaids or sirens were blamed for luring sailors to their death at sea. In land they were depicted on signs for places of ill repute to lure men.
'Silly boys'
Mermaids or sirens were blamed for luring sailors to their death at sea. In land they were depicted on signs for places of ill repute to lure men.
'Silly boys'